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Church Library
Hours of operation
Sunday • 9:15-9:45 AM
Tuesday • 10:00-11:30 AM
Wednesday • 5:00-6:00 PM
During church office hours by ministry assistants
3000 Bluecutt Rd. Columbus, MS
(Located in the Gathering Area)
The Church Library ministers to any individual and family in the church and community by providing resources to meet personal needs for leisure reading and deepening faith as well as for Bible study and discipleship groups. All items are carefully chosen and evaluated for facts, scripture, doctrines, and age-level suitability.
The library is well established with over 8,000 items for all ages on a wide variety of subjects and in various formats: DVD’s, Bible study kits for groups or individuals, large print books, picture books. Friendly, trained volunteers are ready to assist you during library hours.
Prayer at FBC
The Bible tells us to come to the Lord and “with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need.” We are to be a people of prayer and First Columbus is striving to be a church of unceasing prayer and communion with the Lord.
God has given us the great privilege of praying to Him. We, as a staff, would like to know how we can pray for you. If you want to submit a prayer request, click the button below and fill out the simple form.

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FBC’s Book
We believe you can get a fairly representative flavor for what to expect in a church by the books they recommend. We put together a list of books that have encouraged, challenged and spurred many of our members on toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).

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