2.19.23 Sermon Afterthoughts

Hello brothers and sisters,

What a beautiful week with which the Lord has blessed us!  The sun has been a nice change from the recent rains and yet the Lord's kindness is seen in both. As I look out my kitchen window, I'm slowly seeing grass that has been brown for months turning green.  I'm seeing plants that were withered starting to spring back to life.  What has been the cause?  Was it the sun that I so greatly enjoy or was it the rain? Of course, the answer is both.  Without either, the life that we love would cease to be.  

Can we just admit that there are some biblical texts that are easier to hear and obey than others? I can guarantee you that it is the same for the one preaching! Some texts serve as a balm for our wounds and others feel more like the two-edged sword dividing joint from marrow.  Yet all of it, every single word, is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.  That's what we want! We want to be complete, equipped for everything to which the Lord calls us. 

On Sunday, the Lord spoke to us about our money.  I've often read that Jesus spoke about money more than anything else.  While I've never spent time confirming that, we see him mention wealth often and the theme is always whether we seek and serve God or money, whether we trust that the Lord provides or our paycheck.  While this seems to be an easy answer, we know that our lips and our lives don't always agree.  So let's spend a few moments in self examination by thinking through the following questions.  Through this time, may the Lord work in us so that even our wealth is used for the glory of God.  

1.  How does knowing you are a child of God change the way you see your money? 

2. Biblically, money can serve as both a blessing and a danger.  In what ways have you seen both in your own life?

3. How does eternity impact your spending?  Do you think and act with eternity in view, or is your perspective largely confined to the here and now?

As you examine your own life, there may be encouragement on where you are or there may be conviction.  Remember that the gospel is true! Jesus came and lived, died, and rose again to forgive our sins and to purify us completely.  As you see ways that you have not trusted God financially, confess that and know He not only forgives but empowers us with grace to live in obedience.  Our God is good and if He has given us His Son, He will withhold no good thing from us as we walk in obedience.  

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kevin Cuthbertson

March 31-April 1: Marriage Conference,

hosted at FBC Columbus with guest speaker Lou Priolo



We are in need of candy and plastic eggs for the Easter Hunt this Easter. Contact Rebecca Stegall for more info.

Pastor Kevin Cuthbertson