3.12.23 Sermon Afterthoughts

Greetings Church Family,

Last Sunday, we spent time together in the book of Exodus studying the Passover in Exodus 12.  I've always found it a difficult passage to wrap my head around, namely verse 30 which tells us that there was not a house in Egypt where someone was not dead. From the beginning, God had ordained that it was going to be this final plague, the death of the firstborn, that brought about the freedom of His people.  Yet their freedom from slavery was not their primary issue.  They had long been in the midst of a polytheistic culture.  Surely, this affected how they saw the God who came to deliver them.  Their greatest need, as is ours, is to see and trust God rightly and God's work in them had only just begun.  

This is true in our lives as well. If you are a believer in Christ, God is at work in you and nothing....absolutely nothing...in your life is being wasted toward those ends. For all eternity, we will be learning that God is greater than we ever thought possible. Let's spend a few minutes thinking through the following questions. 

1. How have you seen growth in your life through blessings God has brought?

2. Name a time you saw God mature you through deep trials.

3. What characteristics of God do you want to learn more about? How will you pursue that study?

4. How has God used this text to point you to the greatness of your salvation through Jesus Christ?  

Grace and Peace,

- Pastor Kevin Cuthbertson


Marriage Conference Postponed

Easter Services | 9:30am & 11:00am

We still need Easter Eggs and Candy for our Easter Egg Hunt. We will be packing them Wed, March 29th.


  • Please continue to pray for search committees

  • Bobby Sanderson Retirement Reception | Sunday, March 19th at 3pm - 5pm

Pastor Kevin Cuthbertson